Mary O’Brien, Dublin
O’Brien (Nee O’Regan) Mary (Nan) late of Ballyfermot and Attanagh, Nov.26th 2017 peacefully at St. James Hospital, beloved wife of the late Owen. Sadly missed by her loving daughter Patricia (Fritchie) son Martin (Bruddy) son-in-law Gerry, daughter-in-law Rita, granddaughters Sarah, Edel & Camilla, great-grandchildren Eoghan, Oisín, Lucy, Katie, Michael, Daniel & Lauren, sisters, brother, sister-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives, friends & neighbours. May she rest in peace. Removal on Tuesday evening from St. James’s Hospital to St. Matthew’s Church, Ballyfermot arriving at 5.30. o’clock. Funeral on Wednesday after 10.o.clock Mass to St. Fintan’s Cemetery, Sutton. s
Enquiries please to Stafford’s 8743734.